Instead of skipping things altogether, let's explore how we adjust our approach and keep moving forward. Sometimes, this might mean temporarily modifying a movement or even taking a step back to refine your technique. While I know this does feel frustrating at times, it is always worth it in the long run.
CrossFit is a long-term game. Our goal is to build sustainable fitness that will serve us well for years to come. When your coaches scale the workouts, they're not actually trying to make things easier. They're modifying the movements to:
Protect your body:Â Avoiding exercises that aggravate existing injuries, like skipping overhead pressing if your shoulders are bothering you.
Address the root of the problem: If your desk job posture is causing shoulder pain, the coach might introduce exercises that strengthen your upper back, like rows and thoracic extensions, coupled with stretches to reclaim your range of motion.
Keep the intended stimulus:Â Even with modifications, the goal is to maintain a good level of intensity. We still want you getting a great workout!
If you're experiencing any pain or discomfort, please don't hesitate to talk to the coaching team. They can help you find the right modifications and can also offer suggestions for next steps, which might include scheduling a session with a physio.
Let's listen to our bodies, adjust our approach, and keep moving forward on this exciting and rewarding fitness journey!